The Process

As the first week of pre-season practice comes to a close it is time to reflect and evaluate the week.  The first week is usually a whirlwind beginning with the highly anticipated testing, such as the beep and VO2 max tests, followed by double practice sessions, strength training and player meetings.  

Coaches are anxious to get as much teaching in as possible as their first pre-season scrimmage is right around the corner and their first game not too far behind.  It is an important time for coaches to stay focused and to follow The Process.  As Marcia McDermott pointed out in her August 8 Druzz News post “When things veer off course, which is possible, steer back on.”

When things go awry the first thing that coaches do is that give up on The Process.  This is when coaches will be tested and when they must stay true to the implementation of their detailed practice plan and execution, hence The Process.

The impediment to action advances action.  What stands in the way becomes the way” ~ Marcus Aurelius 

So what is The Process?  According to Websters Dictionary the process is a series of progressive and interdependent steps by which an end is attained.

The term The Process was popularized by football Coach Nick Saban of the Alabama Crimson Tide.  Coach Saban’s core belief is that the willingness to prepare methodically on a daily basis is the key to success. Coach Saban believes those who focus on the result and not the consistent preparation that is necessary to achieve the result are doomed to be disappointed.

"It's about committing yourself to being the best you can be on that particular day," said Coach Saban. "Improvement is a steady march and you have to be committed to it."

The process is derived from process thinking which is a philosophy that emphasizes preparation and hard work over consideration of outcomes or results.  Process thinkers focus on the present instead of past events or future outcomes, and believe that all actions one takes in life, regardless of how trivial they may seem, affect the desired outcome. 

Following the process on and off the field is the key to achieving your desired outcome.  You can’t control the ultimate outcome as there are other factors out of your control which determine the outcome.  However, the chances of reaching your desired outcome will be enhanced by following a process, as the process will provide a consistent road map and a step by step thinking process for you to follow.   

It is important that the coaching staff is on the same page and that all coaches are sending the same message to the team.  All must be consistent and intentional about living and following the process. 

Don’t think about winning the Conference Championship, going to the NCAA’s or College Cup (even though we know you coaches are dreaming about it).  Think about what the players need to do in each drill, on each play, and being mindful and staying in the present moment.  That’s The Process!  Think about what you can do today, implementing the task at hand.  Have high expectations on execution and competing on every play.  By doing so you are creating habits and developing a competitive and relentless mindset.  Yes, be a task master!  Also, don’t forget to laugh and have fun… remember you are coaching Generation Z’ers.  Know how to motivate and influence them!

When you talk with the players about following the process you need to paint the picture of what the process looks like.  Players need to feel it and taste it.  It has to have an emotional impact - and speaking of emotions, we will take a deep dive into Emotional Intelligence in a later post.  Players need to know exactly what they need to do in each drill right now.  They need to compete and execute on every play.  They need to concentrate on the task at hand and be in the present moment.

Remember coaches and players must be intentional about following the process; it goes hand in hand with the team’s core values and team standards.  Keeping it front and center and making it one of your mantras is key.   At the end of the day it is up to the head coach to champion The Process into action!

Sometimes we make the process more complicated than we need to. We will never make a journey of a thousand miles by fretting about how long it will take or how hard it will be. We make the journey by taking each day step by step and then repeating it again and again until we reach our destination ~ Joseph B. Wirthlin




Preseason Scrimmage


Preseason Priorities