

What if we were able to pinpoint the personal obstacles and challenges getting in the way of achieving your goals?

I am certified to offer and debrief you on TTI Success® and Coachability@Work® assessments:

TTI Success®

TTI Success Insights® Behaviors
Examines the behaviors individuals bring to the job and the universal language of “how we act,” or our observable human behavior. This report consists of one science: behaviors.

12 Driving Forces® and Motivators
Helps illuminate and amplify a person’s motivating factors and builds on the strengths that each person brings to the work environment by addressing their personal “why.” This report consists of one science: motivators.

Emotional Quotient (EQ)
Looks at a person’s emotional intelligence, which is the ability to sense, understand and effectively apply the power of emotions to facilitate higher levels of collaboration and productivity. This report consists of one science: EQ.

TriMetrix® EQ
Combines Behaviors, Motivators, and Emotional Quotient. TriMetrix® EQ examines the behaviors individuals bring to the job, the motivators that drive them, and an understanding of their own emotional intelligence. This report blends all three sciences together in an integrated section. It illustrates the impact emotional intelligence has on behavioral styles and the individual’s top two motivators. This report consists of three sciences: behaviors, motivators, and EQ.


Coachability Assessment is the first scientifically reliable and valid tool to accurately uncover an individual’s true level of Coachability.  

The Coachability@Work® assessment uncovers individuals’ baseline levels of Coachability on 10 scientifically-validated factors that represent natural patterns of thinking, feeling, and believing.  In other words, these factors unearth tendencies, which often operate unconsciously and influence one’s willingness and ability to effectively operate in a “highly coachable” manner.